Your 365 Coach Blog
Welcome to Your 365 Insights, your go-to resource for unlocking the full potential of Microsoft 365.  It's jam packed with video tutorials and more, to help you get the most from Microsoft 365.
Understand the differences between working in a Chat message or Channels to keep your collaboration on track
Microsoft Teams has certainly shaken up the way coworkers traditionally communicated and...
Using PowerPoint Live to bring extra style to your presentations
Reading time: 5 minutes
Thank you to everyone who has responded positively to my previous blogs about holding great...
Discover Teams Webinars and the use cases for this template
4 minute read
We’ve suddenly landed in a digital world of work. Effective communication is key to success and there’s a...
Matthew shares a change to the process to create new teams
Reading time: 6 minutes
As someone once said, change is the only constant in life. Recently there's been a subtle, yet quite...
Matthew shares his basics for setting up great Microsoft Teams meetings
Reading time: 4 minutes
I’ve been a heavy user of Microsoft Teams for meeting experiences over the last few years,...
Loop meets Teams and brings your collaboration worlds together
Reading time: 2 Minutes
Here at Your 365 Coach we love Loop.
We check off lists, tot-up tasks, blast through boards and pitch into...
Create a great welcome that helps coworkers quickly get up-to-speed
Reading time: 2 minutes
How often are you a good citizen and add descriptions to all your channels in a Team?...
Walk through an example of managing tasks using Loop, Planner and Teams
Reading time: 2 minutes
If you’ve not tried Loop components yet, then we’d really urge you to have an...
Use the Praise app for Teams to provide recognition and celebrate success
Sam Walton, founder of Walmart once said ‘Nothing else can quite substitute for a few well-chosen, well-timed,...
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