On-Demand Masterclass:
Succeed with SharePoint & Teams

From Concern to Clarity with SharePoint & Teams, Learn At Your Own Pace in Our On-Demand Masterclass!

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On-Demand Masterclass:
Succeed with SharePoint & Teams

From Concern to Clarity with SharePoint & Teams, Learn At Your Own Pace in Our On-Demand Masterclass!

Enrol Today!

Do You Feel Overwhelmed?

In the relentless rush of the modern workplace, it's easy to feel lost. Imagine being like a Project Manager, drowning in a sea of disorganized files, his stress levels spiking with each missed deadline because he can’t find those files.

You May Feel:

Overwhelmed with Tech Troubles

A sense of helplessness when faced with IT challenges, impacting your confidence.

Fear of Data Loss

The constant threat of losing critical information, leading to sleepless nights

Stress and Anxiety

Endless searching through cluttered inboxes and disorganized drives.


Missed Connections

The frustration of disjointed team communication, leaving you feeling disconnected.

Experience the Joy of a Streamlined, Empowered Workplace

Next-Level Collaboration: Succeed with SharePoint & Teams" is not just a course; it's a journey to reclaiming your peace of mind and professional pride. Witness the transformation:

Personalised Guidance

We understand that you are unique. That's why our guidance is tailored to your needs, ensuring that you get the most out of Microsoft 365.

From Fear to Confidence

Gain control over your data security, sleeping peacefully knowing your information is safe.

From Frustration to Connectedness

Foster effective team communication with Teams, feeling a renewed sense of belonging and teamwork.

From Overwhelm to Mastery

Arm yourself with the skills to tackle tech troubles, boosting your confidence and career prospects.

Take a Sneak Peek!

Get a sneak peek into the transformative experience that awaits you in our "Next-Level Collaboration: Succeed with SharePoint & Teams" course.
Watch our introductory video below to discover what this course has in store for you.


Meet Your Expert Instructor:

Scott - A Microsoft MVP & Certified Expert

When it comes to mastering Microsoft 365 and SharePoint, you deserve nothing but the best. Your instructor, Scott, is no ordinary expert; he's a Microsoft Most Valuable Person (MVP) — a recognition held by only a select few around the world.

Scott also has a following of over 30,000 Subscribers across YouTube and TikTok, where he shares new video content every week, focussed on helping people get more from Microsoft 365.

Who Is This Course For?

Our course is tailor-made for professionals who are ready to take their Microsoft 365 skills to the next level and transform the way they work.

Professionals Ready to Transform Their Day

Small Business Owners
with IT Challenges

  Anyone Wanting to
Master Microsoft 365

Those Seeking a
Supportive Community

No matter where you are in your career or how much you know about Microsoft 365, our course will empower you with the skills, knowledge, and support you need to thrive in the digital workplace.

Enrol & Access Today!

Your Learning Path to Success:

Packed with over Fifty Training Videos, Nine Quizzes, Cheat Sheets & Our Companion Guide, your Path to Success just got easier! 

In addition, we are thrilled to offer you two extraordinary bonus modules:

Unlock New Possibilities with Your Knowledge!

In this comprehensive course, you'll gain the expertise to transform your work life. Here are just a few outcomes you can achieve:

Empower your projects with a secure digital workspace in Teams & SharePoint. 

Gain the confidence to securely share files in Microsoft 365, ensuring compliance and building trust with your clients

Discover the secret to efficient file management. Spend less time searching and more time achieving your goals.

Watch productivity soar as your team collaborates seamlessly in a digital workspace

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Unlock Unbeatable Value with Our Course Package


At Your 365 Coach, we believe in delivering not just education but transformation. Our course package is designed to revolutionize your work life, empowering you to achieve more than you ever thought possible.

TOTAL VALUE: ÂŁ1,575.99!


50+ Video Lessons Delivered by a Microsoft MVP!

Eleven Detailed Modules Covering The Most Important Topics 

Exclusive 10% OFF Our Coaching & Consulting Options

Downloadable Course Companion eBook & Cheat Sheets

Access to Monthly Discovery Sessions for Microsoft 365

Private Access to Our Dedicated Community

Total Estimated Value: ÂŁ1,575.99

Our Unbelievable Offer: ÂŁ399!

Success Stories from Our Customers

"I went from feeling overwhelmed in SharePoint to in control, all thanks to this course."

John Allen


"The practical tips have revolutionised the way we handle files in SharePoint, especially for sharing with customers."

Siobhan Bell


“Scott has a pleasant voice and it's easy to follow along. The course is on point, there's no fluff, and it's informative”.



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