Your 365 Coach Blog
Join Matthew and the team at Your 365 Coach as we help you unlock the full potential of Microsoft 365.
Packed with weekly updates, video tutorials, and practical tips, our blog is your go-to resource for mastering Microsoft 365 and working smarter every day.

Matthew shares a change to the process to create new teams
Reading time: 6 minutes
As someone once said, change is the only constant in life. Recently there's been a subtle, yet quite...
How to pick the best app for your task management needs
Reading time: 10 minutes
If you are looking for a way to manage your tasks or workload in Microsoft 365, you might be overwhelmed...
Simplifying teamwork and collaboration with Microsoft Loop
Tuesday 20 August 2024 1pm BST and 6pm BST
In the third of our series of free webinars join us as we explore Microsoft Loop.
There'll be...
Four event booking solutions using the tools you already have
Reading time: 8 minutes
This week we invested a little bit of time to help a member of our Your 365 Coach community achieve a solution...
A quick reference guide to where Loop components can be created
Reading time: 4 minutes
In Scott’s latest YouTube Tutorial, How to improve Team Meeting with Loop, he explores using Loop in...
Custom reminder emails in Outlook add a great touch to your event organisation
Reading time: 4 minutes
We’re used to reminders from Outlook calendar meetings. Unless they’re played...
Present allows your event audience share their thoughts using their mobile devices
Reading time: 3 minutes
Microsoft has made further enhancements to Forms, including updates to the...
Reading time: 7 minutes
Are you in a productive paradise or a data dumping ground?
Here in the UK, the passing of the Easter holidays normally signals the turn in the seasons! The gardens are...
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