Your 365 Coach Blog

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Create great looking intranet pages in SharePoint microsoft sharepoint Jul 05, 2024

Matthew shares four recent improvements that can add a flair to your design

Reading time: 3 minutes

SharePoint is a solid base for your intranet portals, and while SharePoint Online’s ease of...

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Ten top tips for planning a great SharePoint Intranet intranet microsoft sharepoint sharepoint May 30, 2024

Considerations before starting out on a SharePoint intranet adventure

Reading time: 10 minutes

Hi, I’m Matthew and I joined Scott at Your 365 Coach in March. I’m a SharePoint Superfan...

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Easily create email newsletters using Microsoft 365 microsoft outlook microsoft sharepoint May 17, 2024

A quick introduction to ‘made for email’ SharePoint pages  

Reading time: 4 minutes

Creating rich email newsletters or updates can be a time consuming and expensive to achieve...

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Be on top form with your data collection microsoft lists microsoft sharepoint video guide Mar 27, 2024
Reading time: 5 minutes

Introducing the game-changing new forms experience in Microsoft Lists

We all have projects or processes that have the need to collect information from various team members...

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